The main telescope is a PlaneWave CDK17 Dall-Kirkham corrected optical design telescope. The scope is mounted on a PlaneWave ascension 200HR German equatorial mount, which itself sits on a pier that is secured to the concrete roof structure. Piggybacked on the CDK17 is a TeleVue 102 refractor telescope. Focal length of the CDK17 is 2939mm (f/6.8); the refractor is 880mm (f8.6).
The dome is a 16.5 foot ASH Dome, with a custom designed interface installed for computer control. We also have several portable Schmidt-Cassegrain reflectors and refractors (2" to 10", including a Meade LX-200) that are used on the observing deck.
Main telescope
- PlaneWave CDK17 17"
Solar telescope
- LUNT LS100THa 100mm
- B600 Calcium K module (Ca-K filter)
- 2" Lunt white light solar wedge
Other telescopes
- TeleVue 102 4" (mounted on PlaneWave CDK17)
- Celestron 8 (8")
- Celestron NexStar 6SE (6")
- Celestron NexStar 4SE (4")
- Celestron AstroMaster 130 (130 mm)
- Bushnell 78-4678 (4.5")
- NewStar 114 mm
- NewStar 70 mm
- SBIG ST-9XE monochrome camera with a KAF-0261E CCD chip
- SBIG STF-8300C color camera with a KAF-8300C CCD chip
- SBIG ST-6 CCD camera
- Meade Deep Sky Imager Pro II CCD camera
- Mallincam Xtreme II video camera
- Yashica 35mm camera with adapter
- Shelyak LHiRes III
- The Sky X
- MaxIm DL 5
- LesveDome
- PHD Guiding (Stark-Labs)
- MuniWin v1.1