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Welcome to the Bishop's University Interacting Binary Evolution Server.
This Internet Server is dedicated to the computation of evolutionary tracks for low-mass interacting binaries containing compact objects. This site is part of the MULTIGRID Project whose objective is to create an expansive library of evolutionary tracks. You are encouraged to request data for particular sets of initial conditions that correspond to the problem that you are investigating. In the interests of optimizing computational resources we do, however, request that you refine your requests as much as possible.
To obtain the data for particular evolutionary tracks we ask that you fill out the following form (five steps). Since the form cannot address every possibility, we provide you with a "Comment Box" so that you can enter text to describe specific requirements that are not described by the form.
The evolutionary tracks are calculated for a very specific type of interacting binary system wherein the donor is a relatively low-mass star and the companion is a compact object (e.g., white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole) that is simply treated as a point particle by the evolutionary code. The masses of the donor and companion can be chosen arbitrarily as well as the metallicity, and the degree of (nuclear) evolution of the donor at the onset of mass transfer (i.e., the point at which the donor first fills its Roche Lobe). More information concerning how the code works and the physical inputs can be found in the paper by Nelson, Dubeau, and MacCannell (Ap.J., 2004, in press). If you use these results in the course of publishing a paper or giving a talk, we request that you acknowledge this Project.